Lesson Plans for October 5-9, 2015


Topics:  Notebook arrangement

Activities:  Students will need to bring their BIM I notebooks to class.  Papers will be passed back.  Students will then need to get out their progress reports that they were given on Friday.  Next, we will discuss arrangement and order for papers to be filed in notebook.  Students will be given the remainder of class to 3 hole punch papers and put them in order, then file papers behind designated divider in notebook.  Students are encouraged to keep up with filing papers in notebook because they will be due the last week of the nine weeks for a test grade.


Topics:  indenting text, setting and modifying tabs, inserting the date and time

Activities: Students will listen and participate as we discuss new material and go through Try-its together on pp. 118-123  on the computer.  All work should be saved into Practice folder on students flash drive to get participation credit.


Early release-  students to have a chance to finished any unfinished work as needed

Thursday- Friday

Topics:  watermarks; review of indenting text, setting and modifying tabs, inserting the date and time

Activities:  We will discuss watermarks and how to apply to a document.  Students will then apply what they learned on Tuesday and today by completing the Lesson 5 Practice and Apply on pp. 127-131.  Students are to save all work to flash drive and NOT print.



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